Thursday, October 1, 2009

Witches and Wizards

Halloween is very nearly upon us, and today marks the first day of the Sisters that Spook hi jinx!

My sister Pammy, from French Knots, and I have joined together to bring you 7 days of fun filled Halloween tricks and treats! For the next 7 days - everyday I will present you with a Treat, and everyday Pamela will present you with a Trick. I'm just sure you will love what we have in store... so, grab a button (---->over there), and join in the fun! On day 7 we will bring you a fabulous finalè, including a giveaway with the chance to win the fabulous witch artwork featured here by Gabriel Olson, and an opportunity to post your own bewitching creations!

Let's get started!

These are the simplest, and most fun dare I say, Halloween treats for any age!
Witches' Hats
Both of these ideas come from the Betty Crocker Cookie Cookbook, 1998 ed.
Create a simple buttercream frosting, dye it your favorite fall color, set aside
Unwrap equal number of Hershey's Kisses, and Keebler Fudge-Striped Shortbread Cookies
Pipe a thick line of frosting on the underside edge of each Hershey Kiss and place atop center of shortbread cookie
Pipe a bow along side of Hershey Kiss

*It is so fun to have helpers in the kitchen! (or otherwise)

Little Helper says, "Pleeease! Can I have another?"

Witches' Brooms

½ cup brown sugar
½ cup butter
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix together with hand held beaters until smooth and incorporated

1 ½ cups flour
Pinch of salt
Stir until flour incorporated
Shape balls of dough, and press into 1" pretzel rods
Flatten and lengthen dough, then press with a fork to create broom bristles
Bake at F350°, on greased cookie sheet 5-7 minutes, cool on wire rack

*Tip: Careful when removing from pan, you don't want to seperate broom from handle!
Drizzle chocolate along crease where pretzel and cookie meet and decorate with frosting or sprinkles!

Tell me your favorite, simple Halloween treat! Then hop on and ride your broomstick over to Pammy's blog for a magical wizard's trick.


  1. Love these ideas! Thanks so much for sharing! Stopping by from SITS to say hello! Have a great day! :o)

  2. I love Halloween! Very cute treats--thanks!

  3. What a fun idea! I'll be anticipating all of the great Halloween ideas yo have in store! Love the brooms!

  4. Hi, I'm stopping by from SITS! I just wanted to share a bit of comment love. I'm not into Halloween but it looks like you have some really fun ideas.

    I hope the rest of your week is absolutely amazing!

    Teresa <><

  5. Wizards and Witches can't be beat!!

  6. AWESOME ideas!!! im saving these to make for my nephews!

  7. Great ideas!! -Yummy too!

    (Stopping by from SITS)

  8. too cute! I think I'll be trying those ideas- thanks!

  9. Wow you made it look so super-easy! So creative and definitely fabulous. I love it!

  10. I love your great ideas for Halloween! I don't know if you got our comment back to you about the Portland Temple but Cheryl has actually been to the Portland Temple and has taken great pictures there. So we have you covered! Is there any color scheme you would prefer, or length? Let us know?

    Rachel and Cheryl,
    (from The Provident Peacock)

  11. I love the brooms! On the menu for this year. Thanks!

  12. How cute are you guys!! I love these hats and brooms!

  13. Hey, I just noticed that in the recipe for the witches brooms, it doesn't say how much butter - it just says 1/2 butter. So, how much will I need? :)

  14. I love these! The kids and I are definitely going to be trying these out, Thanks!

  15. Those are too cute! The most halloweeny treats I've ever made were cupcakes with halloween cups and specialty sprinkles. lol

  16. What fun ideas! I love the Sister that Spook picture!

  17. I am totally diggin all of your fun Halloween ideas!!!

  18. How cute are those witches broom cookies! I can't wait to try these with the little boy I nanny. It will be such a perfectly tasty activity. Thanks so much. Keep up the great work!!


  19. What fantastic treats! Such creativity and deliciousness

  20. I love the Halloween how much you know!!witches cap!!great idea!!thanks

  21. Don't stop posting such themes. I love to read articles like that. BTW add more pics :)

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