Friday, October 2, 2009

Ga-Ga for Gifts

When I stepped outside with the furries this morning, I took a big swallow of air and felt the slow chill creep through my nose and fill my head with thoughts of Fall. Fall has a distinct smell: part pumpkin, part peaches, part cinnamon, part apples - and somehow all those smells can be distinguished with one short breath of outdoor air.

It's a magical time; which is a primary reason I love Halloween! It can be no coincidence that Halloween falls on October 31, at just the right time to kick off this magical season.

Today, we Sisters that Spook are sharing a few great ideas for magical gifts.

Apples are the quintessential American Fruit, and with treats like apple pie and traditions like scratchmade applesauce swimming around the web, it's no wonder. Apples are in great abundance in the fall, so what better way to transform them then to coat them with caramel!?
Caramel Apples

Even though it's the Holidays, I still am keeping my Grandmother's secret recipe close to the vest, but visit Apartment Therapy for a tasty caramel recipe that will do just the trick... or call up your own Grandmother to say hello and ask if she has a famous recipe she would like to share!

After preparing your caramel, dipping the apples is as easy as knocking on your neighbors door and shouting, "Trick or Treat!". Pammy illustrates how to perform this feat in the video below (I showed her how first!!)!

Wrap these gorgeous apples up in clear cellophane and with bows, and share them with those you love!

Wendy says,
"How thoughtful!"

What do you like to give (or get...) for Halloween? For another great gift, scoot on over to Pammy's blog for a bewitching trick.


  1. Stopping by from SITS to say hello and say thanks for stopping by to say hi on my blog yesterday! Love your blog and have added it to my favorites! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Trac~ :o)

  2. You did teach me first and you're still better at tipping then me!

  3. Love your fall and Halloween graphics! Is there anything better than a candy apple?

  4. I love the broom cookies idea! So cute! I'm very excited for a Halloween party now!

  5. AMAZING. it all looks too good to eat!!

  6. I love the ice cube idea! Definitely will use in the future!


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