Thursday, October 8, 2009

No Bones About It

Sometimes the concept of modern technology goes terribly wrong.
Case in point: programmable thermostats. While it might be nice to wake up to a warm house or lounge around in shorts in the middle of winter, a 70° house completely annihilates the purpose of enjoying a frothy mug of hot chocolate; drinking piping hot chocolate while being piping hot... not so much fun.

It's not that I'm suggesting everyone go around indoors with wool ski masks all fall and winter, I'm merely suggesting every once in a while we open up all the windows, go for a drive and then come back and brew up a pot of steaming pumpkin spiced hot chocolate.

Mischele said,
"I would absolutely open all my windows for this Hot Chocolate!"

The Sisters that Spook are revealing the best Hot Chocolate Recipe you'll enjoy until... Christmas! and a double dose of what to do with those fantastically spooky coasters you can't resist in the Halloween section.

Pumpkin Spiced Hot Chocolate

Line your favorite mug with a few pumpkin marshmallow peeps
Throw in a few pumpkin spice Hershey Kisses (available at Target)
Toast a few pecans in butter and brown sugar, and blanket them over the top
Spray a generous dollop of whipping cream over the concoction
Pour your favorite recipe for Hot Chocolate over the goodies, increasing the water or milk by double
Stir to melt the pumpkin kisses
And Sip your way over to Pammy's blog for a great trick on using up those leftover holiday coasters.


  1. Oooooooo I bet that is sooo sweet...but yummy!

  2. Holy crap- i LOVE your for that recipe!

  3. Oh god it sounds like heaven!!

  4. Adding peeps to any hot chocolate has got to be heaven!! Lukcily in Utah it is cold and I can have hot chocolate every morning.

  5. Mmmm. Looks so good. Anytime you can add even more sweets to an already sweet drink makes it that much more appealing!

  6. I just happen to have some peeps. Time to go make some hot chocolate!

  7. WOW that looks DELICIOUS! I may have to try that REAL SOON! Thanks for sharing! :o)

  8. It is sweet, but when you increase the water or milk by double in your hot chocolate, it helps to dilute so it's just right! Enjoy!

  9. Holy Cow -- are you sure that's hot chocolate? Looks more like chocolate soup -- looks FABULOUS! Thanks for posting!

  10. So cute! I wish I could find seasonal Hershey Kisses nearby, but alas, only original and caramel are available to me.
    I think these would be perfect for my halloween party this year!

  11. Now that is impressive hot chocolate!

  12. I think we are going to try this one. We love hot chocolate at our home!

  13. i just love it! these pumpkin hearts are soooo amazingly beautiful!!
    have a great friday!

  14. Now that's what I'm talking about!

    ...stopping by from SITS...

    Steph @ Stick It in the Fridge

  15. Yum! My sweet tooth is aching! I really enjoyed looking around your lovely blog! Motherhood, my movie about a mom blogger, is coming out soon. I’d love for you to check out my blog! Hope to see you there soon!

  16. Oh man, that hot chocolate sounds INCREDIBLE!! I am definitely going to try it out...

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

  17. YUM! That hot chocolate sounds good! I'm sending that recipe to my girlfriend who is having a halloween party and I think that would be great to serve when all the guests have left and we sit around and tell ghost stories. Such a great idea!

    Yours Truly,
    Lady Lex
    "Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest"


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