Monday, October 5, 2009

Be Ye Warned

This morning, and all this week we are continuing to give you more trick and treat Sisters that Spook hi jinx.

On Saturday, I shared my love of pumpkins with you. So... it should be no wonder that when it came time to make doughnuts, I had to make them in the shape of a pumpkin!

Did you know doughnuts are a Pirates favorite treat? It's a lesser known fact, but none the less true. Old folklore states that Pirates began eating doughnuts when they found out how much Police enjoyed them around the station and on stake outs; it began as a joke, a kind of parody, but then the sea mercenaries discovered how much they loved them as well!

Johnny Depp says,
"Aaargh Matey,
you got me!
I love me
some doughnuts!"

Surprisingly, scratch made doughnuts are quite simple! These are spudnuts, a Germanic doughnut made from mashed potatoes, and they are wildly delicious. They have a smooth texture and temperate sweetness. Of course, they are super festive and can magically unlock the Halloween Spirit in any ghoul.
Pirate Doughnuts

Boil ½ pound potatoes, peeled and cubed
Drain and let cool
Reserve ¼ cup potato water and mix 1 package of yeast (2 ¼ teaspoons) to dissolve
Mash potatoes in large bowl
Yeast mixture
¾ cup warm milk
½ cup sugar
¼ cup vegetable oil
½ teaspoon salt
1 egg
Mix together

3-4 cups flour to make a soft dough

Cover with damp towel, and place in non-drafty room to rise until double (1-2 hours)

After dough has doubled, roll to ½ inch thickness on well floured surface
Cut out desired shapes

*Tip: We chose a large pumpkin cookie cutter, and used one half of a silly putter container for the middle holes!

*Tip: Save all the middle holes, and cook them as bite sized doughnut holes.

Place on cookie sheet to rise for additional 1-2 hours

Heat 1 cup of vegetable oil on med-high, until oil simmers when dough is dropped in
Gently lower shaped dough into pan, do not crowd doughnuts
Allow to cook evenly on both sides - transfer to wire rack
*Tip: Place paper towel under rack to catch oil drips
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons water
Stir together until glaze glides freely off the spoon

Add orange food coloring until desired color is reached

Place doughnuts over wire rack
Spoon over hot doughnuts to coat and let run off sides
Sprinkle cinnamon sugar mixture over warm glaze
Let cool
Aaargh! Get on Matey and walk the plank over to Pammy's blog to spy a Pirate trick.


  1. MMMMM those look yummy!! When do you add the water with the yeast?

  2. Oh my word, I LOVE these!!!

    Katie xox

  3. Ohhh so yum...and who knew pirates like em???

  4. These were so fun and yummy to make. I am craving them right now!!

  5. Fun post. I've never made donuts with potatoes- can't wait to try. Anything Johnny Depp likes is for me!

  6. A fresh hot donut sounds fabulous in the cold weather!

  7. You had me at "donut"! And I love the festive shape - super cute!!! Thanks for the recipe


Say Something Sweet!