Friday, September 18, 2009

Marshberry Ice Cream

My sister and I went blackberry picking a few weeks ago to a little u-pick in Payson. It was bittersweet; sweet because I love to pick berries, bitter because I've never had to pay for blackberries before, ever (yes, that's another plug for Oregon). It's not that I'm cheap, it's just that I wish I had a cute little blackberry patch all to myself to produce all the limitless berries I could ever want!
You can see from this picture how excited I get picking fruit - hair all disheveled, but look at that smile!

I knew before we went exactly what I would be doing with all the tempting, black, ripe berries I brought home - saving them!! (I told you I was stingy with food I can't reproduce.) I intended to save them for an express purpose, to be revealed at a later date... oh the suspense!, can you stand it?

...but one pint of berries, I reserved for ice cream.
Marshberry Ice Cream
This ice cream has a lucid flavor, one of tart distinction and thick, though fluffy composure, with a perfect blend of berries and cream and smooth marshmallows. It is rich with luscious affection and a complimentary soft texture.

Gabriel says, "It is delicious!"
½ pint of blackberries
½ cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
¾ cup mini marshmallows
2 ¼ cups heavy cream
¼ cup water
Add all ingredients into a blender and purée until smooth

Transfer to a sauce pan and bring to a boil over medium heat
Cook for several minutes, and remove from heat
Let cool for 10 minutes, then add remaining ½ pint of blackberries and ½ cup mini marshmallows and stir to melt slightly

Churn according to maker's manufacturers instructions, or churn by hand.

For an extra burst of goodness, pour orange syrup over the scoop(s)!

Visit Pamela's blog for all the pertinent info on where to go to u-pick!


  1. I like that you used brown sugar and marshmallows in this berry ice cream. It's very creative. I'm gonna have to try this out just to know how the flavors combine. The color is very nice too. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Isn't that color amazing? All natural baby! Thanks for visiting! I can't wait to hear how yours turns out!

  3. Oh, salivating, right now!!! I love the marshmallow as an add in.
    Looks delicious.

  4. oops, forgot to tell you...stopping by from sits.


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