Sunday, August 30, 2009

Story Telling

I named this blog and my confectionery after my favorite book: Fahrenheit 451°, and my love of reading... but lately I haven't been able to pursue that love as frequently as I would like.

I need glasses - just reading glasses, but glasses none the less.

The optometrist told me approximately 11 years ago that I would be fine so long as I didn't read for prolonged periods of time. That prescription worked for about 10 years and 11 months, give or take. Now however, it's virtually impossible to read a book without straining or feeling like I'm peering through a kaleidoscope.

It's time to head back to the optometrist - I think an adorable pair of cat-eye glasses would suit me well! What do you think? And with a pair of new glasses, I would be able to read my new book: Secrets of the Fahrenheit 350° Kitchen!

Yes indeed, my own book! I just wrote, organized and ordered my new book from Cherish|BOUND. This organization provides an incredible avenue for story telling by magically transferring your story to words, complete with templates, font choices, and your photos, in an easy online process to provide you with a hardbound, glossy book you and your family can enjoy forever.

Cherish|BOUND's philosophy is to create a story teller out of us all, and that is just what their program allows you to do: Tell your story.

They are also a proud sponsor of the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival coming up this weekend: September 3-5, 2009 at the Mt. Timpanogos Park in Orem, Utah. This is an event you don't want to miss! I will be there alll weekend, listening to stories, watching puppet shows, and grooving to music! Click below to learn more!

See you there!


  1. I was just recently daydreaming about writing my own book! That's awesome for you!

  2. WHAT!? you are AMAZING! i love you dearly!

  3. Can't wait to see the glasses!

  4. Hey there - thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love the name you chose for yours - love Ray Bradbury! Putting you in my feedreader :)


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