Saturday, August 29, 2009

Gooey Goodness

My darling, darling! friend Heather came to visit me a few days ago. Well, she didn't exactly come to visit me solely per se.... but a girl can pretend! Spurred by her visit I've added a new section to my blog linking to all my favorite girls.
It requires the coining of a new brilliant phrase: Bl*isters.
Blog + *Kiss + Sisters = Blog Sisters = Bl*isters!
Use it, share it, pay it forward and spread the love! And check out all my favorite links, of course the list will be ever growing!

Heather and I met through our husbands, and up until a few days ago we had never spent any time together alone, separate from our male counterparts. Gabriel met her husband, Kirk, on his LDS mission; although they were never companions in the mission, they met in the MTC and were roommates at one point during the two years. I met Heather initially at Gabriel and I's engagement party, and between our move to Oregon and their move to Oklahoma, our relationship has only existed purely by telephone and email - but Heather and I have became fast friends.

Heather is totally my BFF! I love her dearly! She and I relate on a level completely transparent of whatever may be happening in our lives or in the world around us. She is the most gorgeous girl I know, both physically and emotionally; she is caring and devoted to whomever has her attention; she is unapologetic about who she is, but equally considerate of everyone else, in fact I've never seen her put herself first no matter what the situation; and she is incredibly talented and creative and adorable. We have the same opinions about child rearing, medicine, religion, food, exercise, friendship and everything else under the sun!

One of the fun activities we got to do while she was here was eat lunch at the Cheesecake Factory - and so it seemed appropriate to make a cheesecake in her honor.
The OH MY GOSH this Cake is going to make me SOOO FAT!... I don't CARE... IT LOOKS SO GOOD! Cheesecake
1 ½ cups graham cracker crumbs
1 tablespoon melted butter
2 tablespoons sugar
Stir together until crumbs are coated
Grease an 8" inch springform pan, including up sides
Press crumbs to bottom and along sides of pan
*Tip: To achieve the most desirable crust, crumbs should remain flaky and simply rest along sides of pan until batter is poured-as it bakes the crust will adhere to the cake

16 oz. cream cheese
¾ cup sugar
Cream together until smooth

¾ cup buttermilk
2 eggs
½ teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons Sweet Sauce: Caramel
Beat together for several minutes until smooth
Pour over crust in pan
Bake at 275°F for 1 hour
Turn off oven, and let sit in oven for 30 minutes
Warm 8oz. Sweet Sauce: Caramel until pourable
Pour over top of cheesecake, to edges, and let sit in oven until set and cooled
Run knife slowly along edges before removing from pan

*Tip: Use sawing motion when cutting cake to serve, to slice through the caramel without spreading and stretching it

...And don't forget to enter my giveaway!


  1. cheesecake! what is it about good looking desserts that just make me swoon?

  2. Hi! This recipe is to die for! Why oh why did I stumble in here to find this? Yummo! Thanks for the recipe!

    Nicole Hoity Toity Baby

  3. How can a dessert looks so good. Amazing job!

  4. The cheesecake lookd wonderful. Have a Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest.

  5. Ohhh my caramel sauce and cheesecake? Is there anything better?

  6. You are the SWEETEST THING Alive!!! i feel the EXACT same way about you! you are SUCH an amazing person, friend... i am SOO lucky to have found and met you! you have been my best friend... i am soo glad that we gotta spend some time together. it was SO MUCH FUN!!
    I love you dearly, and wish we could spend EVERY MOMENT together! we WOULD have a BLAST!!!
    one can dream right!?

    love you soo much!

    and< WOW i BET that cheesecake BLOWS the cheesecake factory's cakes away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It looks DIVINE!

    you are amazing, beautiful, wonderful, sweet, caring, loving, precious as can be! i love you dearly!

    thanks for this sweet sweet SWEET post! I LOVE YOU!

  7. Oh yea, I would eat all that knowing it would make me fat, and I'd do it anyway.

  8. Thanks so much for the visit and great comment on my blog. This cheescake looks so good! I'm going to have to whip this up tomorrow for sure!

  9. This cheese cake was so delicous!! I was lucky enough to have some. Yippee for me.

  10. Yum! And I LOVE the name and tagline of your blog. Very clever.

    Thanks for stopping by my site yesterday. I hope you'll come back and visit again!


Say Something Sweet!