Thursday, August 6, 2009

Introducing Lë mon

Come visit me this weekend at Mindy Mae's Market!

Market Location:
3377 West 1375 North
Pleasant View, Utah 84414

Market Hours:
Friday: August 7th, 9 am - 7 pm
Saturday: August 8th, 9 am - 5 pm

Mindy Maes Market,Tree

This weekend I'll be selling and sampling
Sweet Crunch, Sweet Logs, Sweet Sauce, and Sweet Treats!

Plus, I'll be featuring a new Sweet Log: Lë mon.
This Sweet Log starts with a chocolate core
enveloped in a sweet lemon fondant,
then wrapped in caramel and decorated with toasted pecans!

P.S. I'm taking the camera to the shop today!
When I return... I will delight you with a recipe for Sweet Log Ice Cream!


  1. Le mon is so secret even I don't know about it! Can't wait to try it.

  2. Hope the boutique goes fantastic! Have fun.

  3. really looking forward to the recipe and photos!!

  4. Ms. Le mon,
    I don't know how to make the two little dots on top of the e, so pretend they are there. I'm dying to try Le mon. You must rush it to me. It'd just not fair that I can't have some today.
    I bought 8 tomatoes at the farmer's market yesterday. 2 are heritage. One is large and wine colored. the other is golden girl and looks like a orange or yellow pepper. Beautiful! An Asian women with a chef's jacket on with about 10 little girls(they were white), just so you can get the picture!! were shopping the tomatoes and she was giving them a verbal lesson on picking out and choosing their tomatoes and etc.
    What fun farmers markets are. I'm sure it was a cooking class. Not JC
    however. From Le mon to tomatoes, a pretty big dance.
    Thanks for all your yummy words and recipes.


Say Something Sweet!